Don't let rising food prices discourage you or throw you budget out of wack. Consider these ideas to keep your food budget at bay.
- Eat at home. You can make the same healthy and nutritious meals you get in restaurants at home. And that includes the great tasting coffee. This excludes meals with lower nutrition as those can be found at bargain prices throughout fast food chains.
- Shop with a plan. Don't just put everything that catches your eye in your cart. Plan it out. Make a list at home before you go to the store and stick to it. Planning your meals out helps too so that you only buy what you need for those meals. All helps you not to buy extra and spend extra.
- Put on the blinders. Don't let the impulse purchase items catch your eye. Shopping with a plan and a list will help as you will find you will not have to go down every aisle and be tempted.
- Eat before you shop. You will be less tempted to buy the extra things not on your list if you are not hungry when you go shopping.
- Avoid prepared foods. Yes, its convenient in this fast paced world we live it. But, it also comes with a premium price tag. Instead, buy the ingredients and make it yourself and save money.
- Avoid the bottled water. Easier on the pocket book and the environment. If you don't like tap water consider installing a filter. You can also add lemon to your water which will also add nutrients to your diet.
- Avoid shopping with kids. They can add minutes to your shopping trip and added time can equal extra purchases that can sneak into the cart that you didn't plan on.
- Use coupons. And pay attention to use them at stores that offer doubling deals. Many websites also have coupons you can print off. The few minutes you spend looking for coupons can equal great savings.
- Buy locally. Its often cheaper since there aren't any transportation costs.
- Look down and around. Stores often place the more expensive items at eye level. Look down to see cheaper alternatives. This also applies to the brand name item. Look around them to find cheaper generic alternatives.
- Watch the dates. As the "sell by" or "best before" date approaches, you are virtually guaranteed a discount.
- Substitute recipe items. If you have a higher-priced item that reoccurs in your favorite recipes, it may be time to shake up your taste buds. Often a lower-priced alternative can be found. "For instance, if you consistently bake with olive oil and you see that the price has skyrocketed, a simple switch to applesauce (something that you might even be able to make if you have an apple tree) is a great cheap and low-fat substitution for many recipes."
- Shop less. Keep the number of shopping trips at bay to reduce chances of unnecessary purchases and money spent on gas.
- Keep items on hand. Keeping your kitchen well stocked will help you to not run out of staple items and have to run to the store at the last minute. This will also allow you to be able to wait for sales.
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