1. Know when to buy. You can save money if you buy at the right times when sales kick in. Keep an eye on your favorite stores and you will start to see a trend of when the sales are held. If you don't mind being slightly behind the curve on the trend you can also shop at the end of the season to stock up for the next season. Step out to your favorite store now. I am sure you will see winter clothes already on clearance. Maybe pick up a few things for next winter at much much lower prices. Wait long enough and you could save up to 70%!
2. Shop at discount stores especially high end ones. You can find lower end designer clothes at reasonable prices at TJ Maxx and Marshalls. Should you want to raise the bar go to Loehmann's. Loehmann's has some of the best deals on high end fashion.
3. Shop at discount stores online. I wanted to buy an English Laundry shirt for my brother. When I went to the mall all the shirts I saw were in the $90 price range which was way out of my budget. I knew I could probably find one cheaper elsewhere. Overstock.com had some for $23! Talk about a savings! As an added bonus, Overstock.com also has low shipping charges. Another great site is Smart Bargains. For those that are high end fashion addicts check out BluFly.
4. Visit retail, vintage, and thrift stores. You never know what people get rid of and where you will find a bargain. Patience is also needed. I have had several experiences where I have found brand new designer clothes with tags still on at thrift stores. I even once found a pair of Stuart Weitzman shoes that were hardly worn and only paid $5.00!